Dieter Kreidler (b. 1943)

Workshop Fingerstyle Guitar

24 New Compositions for Guitar
Solo – Duo – Warm Ups

D. Kreidler: Workshop Fingerstyle Guitar, 1-2Git (Bch+Onl) (0)D. Kreidler: Workshop Fingerstyle Guitar, 1-2Git (Bch+Onl) (1)D. Kreidler: Workshop Fingerstyle Guitar, 1-2Git (Bch+Onl) (2)D. Kreidler: Workshop Fingerstyle Guitar, 1-2Git (Bch+Onl) (3)D. Kreidler: Workshop Fingerstyle Guitar, 1-2Git (Bch+Onl) (4)D. Kreidler: Workshop Fingerstyle Guitar, 1-2Git (Bch+Onl) (5)
1–2 guitars
Product type:
Study book, online video
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
80 pages; 23.1 × 30 cm
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
ED 23679


The 25 solo pieces, written by the renowned guitar teacher Dieter Kreidler, are arranged in a progressive manner. Their compositional technique is based on the historical models of baroque lutenists as well as on the alternating bass technique that emerged in the 1920s and is celebrated today by popular guitarists such as Andy McKee and Tommy Emmanuel.

With its delightful unpredictability, surprising jumps and pseudo-contrapuntalism, Kreidler's compositions and accompanying exercises encourage and challenge the student's technique - a technical challenge that is fun to play and, with the duet versions included, can be worked on together in class.

30.40  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 2–5 working days (Denmark)
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