Play and Sing Songs in the Music Class with Step-by-Step Projectable Lesson Slides
for: Ukulele
Music lesson book, online audio
Item no.: 1658646
Easy Guitar
Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack
for: Guitar; voice ad lib.
Music score (with TABs)
Item no.: 1670981
for: Classical guitar
Music score (with TABs)
Item no.: 1660212
The FJH Young Beginner Guitar Method
for: Acoustic guitar [classical guitar]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1667927
Flathead 5-String Banjos of the 1930s and 1940s
for: Banjo
Study book
Item no.: 1660466
for: Guitar
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1659977
The Ultimate Self-Teaching Method!
A Complete Guide to The Basics
for: Guitar
Lesson book (with standard notation and tabs), online media
Item no.: 1664079
A Step-By-Step Breakdown Of The Guitar Styles And Techniques Of Slash
Guitar Signature Licks
for: Electric guitar
Lesson book (with standard notation and tabs), online audio
Item no.: 1861872
Guitar Axis Masterclass
for: Guitar
Lesson book (standard notation and tabs), playback-CD
Item no.: 1736711
for: Guitar
Music score
Item no.: 1668869
for: Electric guitar
DVD, CD (learning video)
Item no.: 1665465
The most popülar method for learning how to play
for individual and class instruction
for: Guitar
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1651949
Kid's Ukulele Course
17 Fun Arrangements that make Learning even easier
for: Ukulele
Music score, CD
Item no.: 1667714
for: Classical guitar
Music score
Item no.: 1667074
for: Ukulele
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 1861211
Learn the Guitar in a creative new way
for: Guitar
Item no.: 1862796
Musikalischer und technischer Aufbau durch Ensemblespiel
70 vergnügliche Lernstücke für Ensemble & Solo Gitarre
for: 1–5 guitars
Ensemble score, 2 CDs
Item no.: 1862694
Grenzland Edition
for: Voice (tenor), mandolin orchestra
Item no.: 1668044
Lick Library
for: Guitar
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 1665458
for: Voice, guitar
Songbook (vocal, guitar TABs and chords)
Item no.: 1712106
for: Instrument in C (high and low), B-flat or E-flat (flute /violin /clarinet /saxophone /trumpet /horn /trombone /guitar /keyboard /piano /bass)
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 1861607
Complete Lyrics & Chords to over 130 Classics
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (with lyrics and chords – without notes)
Item no.: 1860873
Foundations for the Beginning Guitarist
for: Guitar
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1654900
Guitar Accurate TAB Edition
Recorded Version
for: Voice, guitar
Songbook (with guitar Tabs – without standard notation)
Item no.: 1659908
Jazz guitar superstar Martin Taylor discusses his unique self-accompanying technique including harmonies, basslines improvising etc.
for: Guitar
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 1665460
Gibson Les Paul from '58 to '60
for: Electric guitar
Item no.: 1660627
Schule für Rockgitarre auf englisch
for: Electric guitar
Music score (with TABs), Playback-CD
Item no.: 1654531
Practical Music Reading for All Guitarists
for: Classical guitar
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1655248
for Guitar in Tablature
for: Guitar
Lesson book (with tabs), online audio
Item no.: 1666855
Licks and Techniques Of The Rock Pioneers
for: Guitar
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 1665430
Lick Library
for: Guitar
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 1665217
for individual and class instruction
for: Guitar
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1655146
The Grown-Up Approach to Playing Guitar
for: Guitar
Lesson book (with standard notation and tabs), Demo CD
Item no.: 1659909
Lick Library
for: Guitar
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 1665445
Lick Library
for: Guitar
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 1665236
Lick Library
for: Electric guitar
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 1665205
An Easy Beginning Method
for: Banjo
Study book (with online audio)
Item no.: 1864282
Acoustic Guitar Private Lessons Series Audio & Video Downloads Included
for: Classical guitar [acoustic guitar]
Lesson book (with standard notation and tabs), online media
Item no.: 1653550
Basic Rock Licks, Riffs, Soloing Ideas, and Guitar Talk with Cheap Trick's Legendary Guitarist!
for: Electric guitar
Lesson book (with standard notation and tabs), online video
Item no.: 1659253
for: Guitar
Songbook (vocal, guitar TABs and chords)
Item no.: 1736609
Lick Library
for: Electric guitar
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 1665464
Metal Edge
for: Guitar
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 1665424
Guitar Play-Along Volume 142
for: Electric guitar
Music score (with tabs), online playback
Item no.: 1861631
Bandworkshop for Guitar & Bass
for: Guitar
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 1861090
Easy entertaining guitar pieces for beginners
for: Guitar
Music score, CD, online audio
Item no.: 1687866
for: Guitar
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1711662
stuff all the pros know and use
for: Bass guitar
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 1861123
for the complete beginner to the advanced student
for: Lute
Item no.: 1861233
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