An easy and Fun Guide to the Art of Body Percussion
for: Body Percussion solo
Study book, online video
Item no.: 696934
Find Your Unique Voice on the Drumset
Drum Instruction
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 687769
for newcomers, intermediate players and pros
for: Cajón
Music lesson book, CD, online video
Item no.: 1013869
From healthy technique to natural artistry
for: Piano
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 775979
A Collection of Etudes Designed to Develop Technique
for the Intermediate Four-Mallet Marimbist
for: Marimba
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 611792
24 New Compositions for Guitar
Solo – Duo – Warm Ups
for: 1–2 guitars
Study book, online video
Item no.: 1544277
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 695970
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1677494
for: Violin
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1677501
Southern Italian Tambourine
Dedicated to the healing powers of the Tarantella Rhythm
for: Tambourine
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 773089
Learn Shuffles, Fills, Concepts, Tips and More from a Blues Master
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 655128
Contracting And Expanding Time Within Form
for: Several instruments
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 554400
Musicians Institute
Private Lessons Series
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 647313
Working with In the Box Compression, EQ, and Other Tools to Create a Professional Sound
Study book, online video
Item no.: 767787
Constructing for Success
for: Choir
Study book, online video
Item no.: 762095
Music Instruction
for: Handpan
Lesson book (with tabs), online video
Item no.: 697201
Rock – Funk – Blues – Fusion – Jazz
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 772616
DJ Instruction
Study book, online video
Item no.: 778698
for: Violin
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1317180
Slap Bass techniques, from the basics to the most extreme
for: Bass guitar
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1552174
for: Djembé
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 762986
for beginners and slightly advanced players
for: Handpan
Study book, online video
Item no.: 1215634
Techniques, exercises and songs with the Ebow
for: Electric guitar
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1317075
The Best Step-by-Step Guide to Guitar Setup
Includes Over Four Hours of Video Instruction
for: Guitar
Study book, online video
Item no.: 1654327
Contracting and Expanding Time Within Form
for: Several instruments
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 498652
Techniques, exercises and songs
for: Flute
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1317034
for: Bass guitar
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 769781
The Master of Funk teaches you how to Thump!
for: Bass guitar
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 678630
for: Violin
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1317030
keyboard instruction
for: Piano
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 611731
Mallets, Implements and Applications
Bilingual edition incl. Online-Video
for: Percussion
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 679994
Book & Online Video
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 665295
Schule für Anfänger -
Grundschläge u. erste Rhythmen
for: Cajón [djembé]
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 587209
inkl. 50 Transkriptionen originaler Chops ("Licks")
for: Drum kit [latin percussion]
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 676706
Klaviervorschule mit Online-Videos
for: Piano
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1478426
for: Guitar
Study book, online video
Item no.: 1551771
Corso completo per conoscere tutte le scale e la tastiera della chitarra
for: Guitar
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 687094
for: Guitar
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1044062
Das Übungsprogramm für Sprecher*innen, Sänger*innen und Musiker*innen
for: Voice
Study book, online video
Item no.: 1316986
Schule für Streicherklassen und Gruppenunterricht
schulmusik plus
for: String class
Teachers book, online media
Item no.: 687753
Musik erleben - reflektieren - interpretieren
Lehrwerk für die Sekundarstufe II
Teachers book, online media
Item no.: 1659429
A Beginner's Guide for Soprano, Concert, or Banjo Ukulele
for: Ukulele
Lesson book (with tabs), online video
Item no.: 1712056
Idee, consigli, trucchi e regole per tutte le occasioni
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1317058
Einstieg im Vorschul- und Grundschulalter auf dem Knopfakkordeon (C-Griff) mit Einzeltonmanual (MIII)
for: Accordion (from 24 basses on)
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1689427
Songbook und Gitarrenschule
40 Gitarren Klassiker mit Fingerpickings und neuen Spieltechniken
for: Guitar
Lesson book (with standard notation, tabs and chord charts), 2 CDs, online media
Item no.: 636604
Schule für Anfänger - Grundschäge und erste Rhythmen
for: Bongos
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 616501
Schule für Kinder
for: Cajón
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 676493
for: Guitar
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 1701506
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