“There once was a brainy baboon, Who always breathed down a bassoon, For he said, It appears, That in billions of years, I shall certainly hit on a tune.” Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, English Astronomer, Physicist, Mathematician & Philosopher.
Don’t be a baboon on the bassoon. Browse our sheet music, tuition books and scores, and let us help you “hit on a tune” today!
The bassoon has a very similar history and development to that of the oboe. It came from the Dulcian, around the time that the Shawm was beginning to be replaced by the oboe. In Italy in the late 17th Century, it was named the Fagotto, in France the Fagottez, and in England the Bassoon.
Played using a double-reed, the bassoon is usually made out of European Maple wood, and has a conical bore which doubles back on itself, making the pitch deeper. It originally had just three or four keys, but during the 18th Century, it began to have six keys. Mozart’s Bassoon Concerto for example, was written for a model with six keys.
At the turn of the 19th Century, bassoons had eight keys, and during the following years, many more keys were added, and two models emerged, the German Heckel Style and the French Buffet Style. These are the two models on which our modern day bassoons are based.
for: Double bassoon, piano
Item no.: 246641
for: Bassoon
Item no.: 257310
for bassoon and string quintet or string orchestra
Edition Schott
for: Bassoon, string quintet [string orchestra]
Piano reduction, solo part
Item no.: 749339
Heft 1
for: Bassoon, basso continuo
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1548901
School for bassoon in 6 volumes
Vol. 6: Double Bassoon
for: Double bassoon
Music lesson book
Item no.: 284083
My System
for: Bassoon
Study book (without notes)
Item no.: 768689
for: 2 bassoons
Ensemble score
Item no.: 266853
for: Bassoon, piano
Item no.: 268141
for: Bassoon
Music score
Item no.: 118984
The Nuts and Bolts of Music Improvisation
for: Instrument [voice]
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 681777
Jazz Book
for: Instrument
Music score
Item no.: 310958
bass clef edition
Jamey Aebersold Jazz
for: Bass instrument (bass clef)
Music score
Item no.: 765317
for: Bassoon, piano
Item no.: 184952
for: Instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 101359
Music through the Ages in Two Volumes
for: Bassoon
Music score
Item no.: 138631
Jazz Scales & Patterns in all 12 Keys
Phrase like a pro!
for: Instrument [voice]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 493356
Book D
Bastien's Invitation to Music
for: Instrument [voice]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 175467
A practice method for all instruments
for: Instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 107309
A Developmental Guide for Brass Wind Musicians
for: Wind instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 560308
Second Edition
for: Bassoon
Music lesson book
Item no.: 377120
A Guide to Effective Practice
for: Bassoon
Sheet music
Item no.: 780143
for all beginning Students
89 Cards with all the Notes, Symbols and Terms needed for the first 2 Years
for: Instrument [voice]
Cards (teaching material)
Item no.: 668968
120 cards for any late elementary music student
for: Instrument [voice]
Cards (teaching material)
Item no.: 474560
14 Etüden mit praktischen Tipps und Erläuterungen von Bob Mintzer
for: Bass instrument (bass clef)
Music score, 2 Playback-CDs
Item no.: 177388
for: Bassoon, piano
Item no.: 267139
for: Bassoon
Music lesson book, 2 playback CDs
Item no.: 551911
for: Bassoon, piano
Music score
Item no.: 1198022
Effective and systematic Exercises
Major Edition
for: Bassoon
Music lesson book
Item no.: 772331
Music through the Ages in Two Volumes
for: Bassoon
Music score
Item no.: 368935
Exercises to improve Breath Control and Airflow
for Band, Chorus and Orchestral Winds
Focus on music
for: Wind instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 491673
Confidence-boosting strategies for musicians
for: Instrument
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 350043
Exercises for the organization and discipline of daily study of the bassoon
for: Bassoon
Music score
Item no.: 832297
for: Bassoon, piano
Item no.: 173560
for: Instrument
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 266056
Notes on the difficult, humorous, endless path of becoming a better improvising musician
for: Instrument
Music lesson book, online audio
Item no.: 201865
A Theory Text for Jazz Composition and Improvisation
for bass clef instruments
for: Bass instrument (bass clef)
Music lesson book
Item no.: 403592
6 Preludes and 7 Sonatas for bassoon and b.c.
Dolce suono
for: Bassoon, basso continuo
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1013494
for: 3 bassoons, double bassoon
Score, Set of parts
Item no.: 1016997
for: Bassoon, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 603152
for: Bassoon
Music score
Item no.: 763416
für Fagott und Orgel
for: Bassoon, piano
Item no.: 694368
for: Bassoon, piano
Item no.: 172052
for: 2 bassoons
Item no.: 392644
for: Bassoon
Music score
Item no.: 489303
for: Instrument
Item no.: 681408
Drei Stücke für Fagott solo
Reihe: Fagott-Bibliothek
for: Bassoon
Music score
Item no.: 169154
für Fagott, Streicher und Cembalo
for: Bassoon, strings, basso continuo
Piano reduction
Item no.: 621608
for: Bassoon, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 253866
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