One of the most important forms of classical music is without a doubt the sonata. The meaning of the term “sonata”, which is derived from the Italian word “sonare” which means “to sound” or “to play”, has changed considerably over time. Browse our sheet music and scores, grab your all your favourites, and find out more about the sonata here today!
The term “sonata” derives from the second half of the 16th century, and refers to different types of instrumental compositions for two or more instruments. The term came about to distinguish the sonata from solo pieces for keyboard instruments, and from pieces with singing, such as cantatas.
The main difference between the baroque sonata and the classical sonata is the number of movements, the baroque sonata has at least four or more, in which slow and fast tempos alternate regularly. The baroque sonata is divided into two basic types:
Sonata da camera (“Chamber Sonata”) – which has a light dance character and is the predecessor of the baroque dance suite.
Sonata da chiesa (“Church sonata”) – which is usually in four movements and has a more serious character.
Depending on the size of the line-up, Baroque sonatas can be further subdivided into Solo Sonata for one instrument (usually violin) and basso continuo, and Trio Sonata for two solo instruments and basso continuo.
One of the most well-known composers of the Baroque sonata is the Italian composer Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713). Both the Church Sonatas by Corelli and the Chamber Sonatas by Corelli are still very popular with instrumentalists and listeners today.
At the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, the sonata da chiesa gradually evolved into what is known as the Neapolitan overture, where the introductory slow movement has been removed. The result was a three-movement form, with the tempo structure fast-slow-fast within each movement, which became the model not only for the classical sonata, but also for many other musical forms.
The Italian composer Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) contributed a great deal to the development of the sonata. The Sonatas by Scarlatti were usually composed in the traditional sonata form, a one-movement work with two contrasting themes.
During the Classical period, the sonata continued to develop and evolve. At that time, the term “sonata” was mainly understood to mean Piano Sonatas, or sonatas for another solo instrument with piano accompaniment. In its basic form, a classical sonata consists of three, or occasionally four movements, where the first fast movement is written in ’sonata form’, the second movement is slower, and the third movement is usually fast again, and can take various forms.
In a four-movement sonata, a dance movement in the form of a minuet or a scherzo is usually inserted before the last movement. The greatest exponents of the sonata were arguably three composers of the first Viennese school, Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart " 1972" text="Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven’s most famous sonata is without a doubt the Moonlight Sonata.
for: Cello, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 769371
Eliot Fisk Master Series
for: Classical guitar
Music score
Item no.: 294004
1-3, D 384, 385, 408
Urtext der Neuen Schubert-Ausgabe (Urtextausgabe) (Urtext)
for: Violin, piano
Piano score, solo part (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 116944
for: Piccolo, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 349266
for: Violin, piano
Score, Parts
Item no.: 586200
National Edition - Miniature Edition
for: Piano
Study score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 684120
für Oboe oder C-Blockflöte und Gitarre
for: Oboe [recorder], guitar
Score, solo part
Item no.: 262044
pour le viollon et pour le clavecin
Volume 1: Sonata I (d), Sonata II (D)
for: Violin, harpsichord
Score, Parts
Item no.: 272287
Camera flauto Amadeus 122
for: Treble recorder, basso continuo
Piano score, parts
Item no.: 186378
The four authentic Sonatas
for: Flute, harpsichord [piano]
Piano score, parts (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 401239
with marked and unmarked string parts
Henle Urtext Editions
for: Violin, piano
Piano score, solo part (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 401516
Edited from the sources
Wiener Urtext Edition
for: Piano
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 155616
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 559755
ABRSM Cello Exam Pieces 2016-2019
for: Cello, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 197989
Volume 1: Sonatas 1–5
Russian Piano Classics (Authentic Edition)
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 197618
for: Flute, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 155799
DOWANI 3 Tempi Play Along
for: Treble recorder, basso continuo
Piano score, solo part, playback-CD
Item no.: 211521
Musique française
for: Violin, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 1054436
for: Viola
Music score
Item no.: 561748
Nach Autographen und Erstausgaben
Band 1 (Urtextausgabe) (Urtext)
for: Violin, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 125028
Solo flute à bec
Manuskript Rostock
for: Recorder, basso continuo
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 330372
for: Flute, piano
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 614927
for: Piccolo, piano
Piano reduction, solo part
Item no.: 1624939
für Klavier
for: Piano
Item no.: 393469
for: Double bass
Music score
Item no.: 479077
nach dem Streichquartett G-Dur op. 77 Nr. 1 / Hob. III: 81
for: Flute, piano
Item no.: 359706
for: Piano
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 131031
op. 110
for: Clarinet
Sheet music
Item no.: 732979
Edizione Critica
for: Harpsichord [piano]
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 767495
Edizione critica
for: Harpsichord [piano]
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 257377
Edizione critica
for: Harpsichord [piano]
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 189530
Urtext Primo – A new concept for the beginner
Edition with German and English Commentary
for: Piano
Music score (Urtext edition, anthology)
Item no.: 498364
Edited from the sources
Wiener Urtext Edition
for: Cello, basso continuo
Piano score, parts
Item no.: 471291
for: Harpsichord [piano]
Music score
Item no.: 138800
Dowani 3 Tempi Play Along
for: Descant recorder
Buch + CD
Item no.: 483317
A flat maj, Wq. 49/2, B min, Wq. 55/3, F maj, Wq. 55/5, F min, Wq. 57/6, C min, Wq. 60
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 118929
Edited from the sources
Wiener Urtext Edition
for: Piano
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 191437
Critical Edition
for: Harpsichord [piano]
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 191140
Edizione critica
for: Harpsichord [piano]
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 160070
for cimbalom with basso continuo
Editing and phrasing marks by Farkas Gyöngyi
Continuo arranged by Tódy Ilona
for: Cimbalom, Basso Continuo
Score, solo part
Item no.: 256284
with notes on interpretation by Artur Schnabel
Volume 2 (sonatas 13-23)
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 282006
Essercizi per gravicembalo
for: Harpsichord [piano]
Music score
Item no.: 779029
for: Flute, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 279909
Schott Student Edition - Repertoire
op. 38/1
for: Cello, piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 738404
Edizione critica
for: Harpsichord [piano]
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 257378
Vol. 2: Sonata A flat major Hob. XVI/46) – Landon 31
Performing Edition
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 239530
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