Christopher Tambling (1964 – 2015)

Orgelwerke 4: Great British

13 Pieces

Ch. Tambling: Orgelwerke 4: Great British, Org (0)Ch. Tambling: Orgelwerke 4: Great British, Org (1)Ch. Tambling: Orgelwerke 4: Great British, Org (2)Ch. Tambling: Orgelwerke 4: Great British, Org (3)
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Music score
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The organ works of the English composer Christopher Tambling have long secured a permanent place in the repertoire of many German & International organists, and the demand for further works from his pen is constant.

Whether introits & exeunts of great pomp and circumstance, trumpet solos or dreamy airs: all his works have the fresh and optimistic Tambling sound that captivates and inspires players and listeners time and again. All pieces are intermediate level, and a two-manual organ is sufficient.


  • Royal Knights
  • A Gentle Aria
  • Teapot Tune
  • Arietta
  • Trumpet Major
  • Reverie
  • Fanfare in Five
  • Highland Chapel
  • The Bishop's Fanfare
  • Fugue on an old German Theme
  • A Trumpet Gavotte
  • Postlude on a Theme by Orlando Gibbons
18.70  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 2–5 working days (Denmark)
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