Current Events

Current Events

In this section, we follow current musical news and events for you, in all their wonderful diversity. We report on concert experiences, cast an eye over exciting events, and forge a path for you through the constantly growing range of music online. In short, here, we want to share our passion for music with you too!

International Accordion Competition Klingenthal – 60 Years of Accordion History

International Accordion Competition Klingenthal – 60 Years of Accordion History

The International Accordion Competition in Klingenthal is one of the most prestigious accordion competitions and takes place annually in the small town in the Vogtland region near the Czech border. Since 1963, the competition has been a reference point for accordionists around the world.

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Women in music: initiatives that make a difference

Women in music: initiatives that make a difference

Despite progress in achieving gender equality in various fields, there is still a significant lack of female representation in the world of classical music. To address this issue, many countries have established initiatives to support female musicians in their careers, including associations and music festivals.

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Between Easy and Hard Listening - The Musical Legacy of Burt Bacharach and Friedrich Cerha

Between Easy and Hard Listening - The Musical Legacy of Burt Bacharach and Friedrich Cerha

Despite the disparate music styles of Cerha and Bacharach, both composers were avant-garde in their own way. Their work demonstrates the wide range of musical expression. A plea for diversity and against the categorization of music.

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WMC Kerkrade Retrospective: What is the Status of Wind Music Today?

WMC Kerkrade Retrospective: What is the Status of Wind Music Today?

The opinion is growing amongst wind musicians that the scene seems to be in a difficult situation. Which direction should wind music take in order to reach as many people as possible in the future? Perhaps the WMC, World Music Contest, in Kerkrade in the Netherlands, often referred to as a “laboratory for wind music” can give us an insight into the scene…

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Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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