The harmonium is a keyboard instrument in which the sound is produced by means of free reeds which are set in vibration by air. The accordion, for example, has a similar tone generation. By alternately stepping down two pedals, bellow is driven with the feet while playing.
The harmonium was very popular around 1900 as a home organ, as a replacement for (smaller) church organs, but also as a concert instrument. In 1945-1955 there was a temporary second renaissance as an alternative to the many organs destroyed in the Second World War.
Besides original literature, numerous works with harmonium as orchestral instrument can be found, e.g. in the Petite Messe solennelle by Rossini for voices, two pianos and harmonium.
Since the spread of the electronic organ and the keyboard, the harmonium has fallen into oblivion for new music.
Acht religiöse Stimmungsbilder
for: Harmonium
Music score
Item no.: 555448
Harmoniumwerke 7
for: Harmonium [organ manuals]
Music score
Item no.: 490496
for: Harmonium
Music score
Item no.: 492158
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 491146
Nº 4, from: Dix Pièces pour Orgue ou Harmonium
Paris, 1899
for: Organ [harmonium]
Sheet music
Item no.: 6480
16 Barock-Stücke
for: Organ [harmonium/harpsichord/piano]
Music score
Item no.: 430852
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 401744
Für Orgel (Harmonium) oder Klavier
Edition Schultheiss
for: Organ [harmonium/piano]
Item no.: 281500
Fünf Duos
Harmoniumwerke 21
for: Piano, harmonium
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 565428
Sieben Duos
armoniumwerke 22
for: Piano, harmonium
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 561719
15 celebrated pieces arranged for Harmonium
Edition Schott
for: Harmonium
Sheet music
Item no.: 749752
15 Barock-Stücke
for: Organ [harmonium/harpsichord/piano]
Music score
Item no.: 430849
from: 32 Praeludia zu geistlichen Liedern vor zwey Claviere und Pedal
for: Organ [harmonium]
Sheet music
Item no.: 6362
für Soli, gemischten Chor, zwei Klaviere und Harmonium
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), 2 pianos, harmonium
Piano reduction
Item no.: 279296
17 Barock-Stücke
for: Organ [harmonium/harpsichord/piano]
Music score
Item no.: 430850
pour Orgue ou Harmonium
À l'usage du service divin
Bibliotheéque de l'Organiste
for: Organ [harmonium]
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 684297
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 1635555
for: Piano, harmonium
Music score
Item no.: 1202440
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 401742
17 Barock-Stücke
for: Organ [harmonium/harpsichord/piano]
Music score
Item no.: 430851
for: Organ [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 219334
Werke für Orgel manualiter / Harmonium
édition bon(n)orgue Vol. 174
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 1677963
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), 2 pianos, harmonium
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 558179
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 269048
aus Wq 193
for: Organ [harp/harpsichord/piano]
Music score
Item no.: 130428
for: Harmonium
Music score
Item no.: 490602
L'Organiste Liturgique 14
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 638398
Sämtliche Orgelwerke 8/1
Bärenreiter Urtext
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 466839
für Orgel oder andere Tasteninstrumente
for: Organ [harmonium/piano]
Music score
Item no.: 299344
Dix versets dans les modes grégoriens / Deux petites pièces dans le style Médiéval
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 262355
15 Barock-Stücke
for: Organ [harmonium/harpsichord/piano]
Item no.: 376923
for: Harmonium
Music score
Item no.: 1203056
for: Harmonium [organ manuals]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 112742
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 1200583
for: Harmonium
Music score
Item no.: 1203498
Inspiradas en el folclóre místico de Andalucía
Biblioteca Orgánica
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 366879
Biblioteca Orgánica vol. 25
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 366881
53 easy pieces for organ (manuals) or harmonium
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 694900
Eine Auswahl von Vor-, Zwischen- und Nachspielen in allen Dur- und Molltonarten
Tongers Taschen-Album 62
for: Organ [harmonium]
Music score (spiral binding)
Item no.: 104840
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), 2 pianos, harmonium
Piano reduction (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 482164
Gestatteter Nachdruck (1928, Enoch & Cie., Paris)
for: Organ [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 659938
for: Harmonium
Music score
Item no.: 1200634
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Item no.: 401743
Biblioteca Orgánica vol. 14
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 366878
for: Harmonium
Music score
Item no.: 565282
50 Übungs- und Vortragsstücke
for: Harmonium [organ manuals]
Item no.: 418032
cahier n°2 nos. 13 – 24
La musique d'église
for: Organ [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 207644
34 popular pieces of medium difficulty
Edition Schott
for: Harmonium
Sheet music
Item no.: 735645
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