“Whoever has skill in music is of good temperament and fitted for all things.” Martin Luther
It was clear even back in the 16th Century, that music is vital for the development of young minds. Children love to sing, dance and make music. Browse our sheet music, tuition books and scores for children, and inspire those little ones today!
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 167940
Book 1 of 2
Faber Piano Adventures® – All-in-two Edition
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 662562
englischer Originaltitel: How To Train Your Dragon
for: Mixed choir (SATB), orchestra
Item no.: 1340532
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 217425
A creative and interactive Piano Course for Children
for: Piano
Music lesson book, online audio
Item no.: 670821
Classical Guitar Handbook for the Young
for: Classical guitar
Music lesson book
Item no.: 553024
James Bastien A supplement to the 'Bastien Piano Basics' series.
Bastien Piano Basics (Lehrmaterial, Technik) (Teaching material, Technique)
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 373658
Abenteuer Kammermusik – 29 sehr leichte bis leichte Stücke
for: Recorder, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 669161
for: Voice, piano
Item no.: 1027290
for: Voice (high), piano
Item no.: 1666051
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 564304
(Teaching material)
for: Piano
Music score, CD
Item no.: 616386
englischer Originaltitel: How To Train Your Dragon 2
for: Symphonic orchestra
Study score
Item no.: 1351870
for: Piano
Music lesson book (spiral binding), playback CD
Item no.: 585519
Hören – Singen – Bewegen – Klingen
Elementares Musizieren mit Kindern
Lieder, Reime, Musikspiele und Rhythmusübungen
for: Voice, percussion
Teacher's book, Playback-CD
Item no.: 637599
Kinderalbum II
Russische Klavierwerke für Kinder und Jugendliche
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 108830
75 Kinderlieder zwei- und vierhändig, leicht bis mittelschwer gesetzt, 2- und 4-händig
for: Piano 2 hands/4 hands
Ensemble score
Item no.: 266072
for: Trumpet (B-flat) [flugelhorn/tenor horn/euphonium; piano ad lib.
Music score
Item no.: 312108
More Easy Repertoire for Young Players
for: Youth string orchestra
Score, Parts
Item no.: 678984
Lehrgang für Sopranblockflöte
50 abwechslungsreiche Stücke aus acht Jahrhunderten
for: Descant (soprano) recorder, piano
Music score (piano accompaniment)
Item no.: 691911
for: Voice, piano
Item no.: 1025364
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 272923
Easier Piano Pieces 12
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 118931
for the Intermediate
A Violin Method Book that's fun for both Children and Adults
for: Violin
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 312329
für Kinder
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 197436
Look, Listen and Learn
for: 2 trombones (treble clef)
Ensemble score
Item no.: 144513
12 könnyű kis darab
for: Flute, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 327478
10 pieces
for: Descant recorder
Buch + CD
Item no.: 291234
Ütős muzsika dallamjátszó hangszerekre
EMB Music for Beginners
for: Latin percussion
Music score
Item no.: 198534
153 Klavierstücke, vom allerersten Anfang an
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 646478
Band B
for: Violin
Music lesson book
Item no.: 392664
A Selection from Ghana
for: Voice, Orff instruments
Item no.: 739351
for Alto Saxophone
Guest Spot Interactive
for: Alto saxophone (E-flat)
Music score, online media
Item no.: 676563
For the older beginner
Faber Piano Adventures®
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 620911
A beginner book for violin
for: Violin
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 609146
for: Violin, piano
Solo part, piano score (lesson book)
Item no.: 625906
James Bastien A supplement to the 'Bastien Piano Basics' series.
Bastien Piano Basics (Lehrmaterial, Technik) (Teaching material, Technique)
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 272608
James Bastien A supplement to the 'Bastien Piano Basics' series.
Bastien Piano Basics (Lehrmaterial, Technik) (Teaching material, Technique)
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 272607
International Edition
for: Cello
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 627016
Easy Repertoire for Young Players
for: Youth string orchestra
Score, Parts
Item no.: 656019
Music lesson book 1
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 374401
Nr. 11-18
for: Piano
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 1552789
Nr. 1-10
for: Piano
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 1552788
International Edition
for: Violin, piano
Music score (piano accompaniment)
Item no.: 111907
Lang Lang Piano Academy
for: Piano
Music score, online playback
Item no.: 658732
10 easy pieces
for: Violin, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 664709
Women Composers through the Centuries
17 Klavierstücke von Komponistinnen aus zehn Ländern
Jubiläumsband 2 zum 25jährigen Furore Jubiläum
for: Piano
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 586028
Musikalischer und technischer Aufbau durch Ensemblespiel
70 vergnügliche Lernstücke für Ensemble & Solo Gitarre
for: 1–5 guitars
Ensemble score, 2 CDs
Item no.: 466971
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