Many people go home to their families at Christmas and sing the old carols of their childhood again. Nevertheless, the carols of other European countries are also very popular.
Be it English Carols, French Noëls or Scandinavian Julsangers, in this section you will find collections of popular Christmas carols from all over Europe.
Teil 2 der Weihnachtsstücke des in Finnland lebenden Organisten Grimoaldo Macchia.
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 663939
The 25 most beautiful Christmas melodies
for: Guitar
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 663651
31 carols for mixed voices (SATB)
for: Mixed choir; piano ad lib.
Choir book
Item no.: 377916
38 leichte Weihnachtsduette für Violine und Violoncello (mit Texten)
for: Violin, cello
Ensemble score
Item no.: 663723
for: Guitar
Music score
Item no.: 1106451
A firm favourite with choirs for many years, this is a classic collection of traditional carols
for: Choir
Choir book
Item no.: 123448
Weihnachtslieder aus "Retablo de Navidad - I Villancicos"
for: Voice, piano
Piano reduction
Item no.: 355821
Stille Nacht
for: Concert band
Score, Parts
Item no.: 887511
38 leichte Weihnachtsduette für Violine und Viola (mit Texten)
for: Violin, viola
Ensemble score
Item no.: 663701
for: Mixed choir (SATB), rhythm section [piano]
Piano score, choir score (pdf download)
Item no.: 8046
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 619556
Item no.: 610992
Three Christmas Carols for Unaccompanied Mixed Choir
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 768982
for: gemischter Chor (SATB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 737226
Musik für vier Querflöten oder andere Melodieinstrumente
for: 4 flutes (quartet)
Score, Parts
Item no.: 133114
32 Weihnachtslieder aus verschiedenen Ländern für 1-2 Violoncelli
for: 1–2 cellos
Ensemble score (anthology)
Item no.: 633262
38 Advents- und Weihnachtslieder für 2 Saxophone (mit Texten)
for: 2 alto saxophones [tenor saxophones]
Ensemble score
Item no.: 663863
14 easy arrangements with flexible accompaniments
for: Guitar and Flexible Ensemble
Item no.: 649441
Alte und neue Lieder zu Winter, Advent und Weihnachten
for: Children's choir
Item no.: 625602
Little works for the great feast
Essential Elements
for: Winds class [youth concert band]
Item no.: 681036
Von Meghan Trainor bis Schöne Bescherung
for: Piano
Songbook, Playback-CD (mp3)
Item no.: 649055
Piano accompaniment
for: Violin [viola/cello], piano
Music score (piano accompaniment)
Item no.: 632545
for: Mixed choir (SATB), chamber orchestra
Set of parts
Item no.: 663794
Sechs international bekannte Weihnachtslieder, für variable Bläserbesetzung arrangiert
for: Flexible wind ensemble (4 voices), percussion; piano ad lib.
Score, Parts
Item no.: 681051
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 615839
Famous tradtionals and carols
Mitropa Instrumental Series
for: Flute, piano
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 633398
pour orgue
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 604149
36 leichte Advents- und Weihnachtsduette (mit Texten)
for: 2 violins
Ensemble score
Item no.: 663057
Alte und neue Lieder zu Winter, Advent und Weihnachten
Ko-Produktion mit Reclam
for: Voice, guitar [accordion/keyboard]
Songbook (Hardcover), Playback-CD
Item no.: 625674
Adventskalender mit 24 Bildern zum Aufstellen oder zum Aufhängen
mit alten und neuen Liedern zu Winter, Advent und Weihnachten
for: Voice; guitar [keyboard/accordion] ad lib.
Advent Calendars
Item no.: 625654
Choral collection
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Choir book, CD
Item no.: 649531
5 Weihnachtslieder für Blockflötenensemble (SopSSAATTBB)
for: Recorder ensemble
Score, Parts
Item no.: 631109
Das große Chorbuch für Advent und Weihnachten
Chorsätze, Motetten und geistliche Volkslieder
for: Mixed choir (SAM) a cappella
Choir book
Item no.: 672424
für 2 Sopranblockflöten
for: 2 descant recorders
Ensemble score
Item no.: 310906
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 615838
für variables Ensemble (4-stimmig, Klavier/Orgel ad lib.)
for: Flexible ensemble
Score, Set of parts
Item no.: 654906
32 Weihnachtslieder aus verschiedenen Ländern für 1-2 Violen
for: 1–2 violas
Ensemble score
Item no.: 633258
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 817259
for: Choir (3 voices), piano
Item no.: 1015214
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 638741
aus "Retablo de Navidad - II Canciones"
for: Voice (soprano), orchestra
Piano reduction
Item no.: 353665
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 726420
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 726419
(Czech Republic)
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 726409
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 726407
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 726398
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 756220
for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano [organ]
Choir score
Item no.: 1634291
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