Orff-Schulwerk Handbook

Principles of Elemental Music and Movement Pedagogy

Orff-Schulwerk Handbook, Orff (Lehrb) (0)Orff-Schulwerk Handbook, Orff (Lehrb) (1)Orff-Schulwerk Handbook, Orff (Lehrb) (2)Orff-Schulwerk Handbook, Orff (Lehrb) (3)Orff-Schulwerk Handbook, Orff (Lehrb) (4)
Orff instruments
Product type:
Teacher's book
Item no.:
160 pages
Producer No.:
ED 22949


Why was Orff-Schulwerk created? What are its founding principles? How do these shape our understanding of Elemental Music and Dance Pedagogy? This handbook provides the answers.

  • Genesis of Orff-Schulwerk
  • Development of Orff instruments
  • Educational principles of Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman
  • Aims, content und methods of elemental music-making
  • Lesson planning guidelines

A reference book and companion für students and teachers.


  • Elemental Music
  • Origins and Foundations
  • The Günther-Schule over the Years
  • Orff-Schulwerk
  • Teaching Elemental Music – Pedagogical Principles
  • Teaching Elemental Music – Didactic Principles
  • Orff-Schulwerk Today and in the Future
  • Bibliography
26.30  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
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