Playing Recorder

Playing and Learning Recorder

Get plenty of tips and recommendations here for learning, practicing, and advancing on the recorder. Discover a selection of the most popular schools, expert tips, and of course recommendations from our extensive range of sheet music for recorder and recorder textbooks:

Recorder Sheet Music – New Releases & Recommendations

Most Popular Recorder Schools and Playbooks for Recorder

For beginners in recorder playing, "Fun and Games with the Recorder" is a great choice, or you can opt for the comprehensive method "Enjoy the Recorder", suitable for group, individual, and self-study. For advanced students looking to improve their technique, the book "Advanced Recorder Technique" is an excellent resource.

In the repertoire area, sheet music featuring "Irish Folk Tunes" is highly sought after, as well as the "Fluyten Lust-hof", a classic known for its extensive solo repertoire in European music history. For alto recorder, "Popsongs" featuring hits from Ed Sheeran, Adele, and Billie Eilish are in high demand.

Fun and Games with the Recorder Fun and Games with the Recorder
Enjoy the Recorder Enjoy the Recorder
Advanced Recorder Technique Advanced Recorder Technique by Gudrun Heyens & Peter Bowman
Irish Folk Tunes for Flute 1 Irish Folk Tunes
Der Fluyten Lust-hof 1 Der Fluyten Lust-hof 1 by Jacob van Eyck
Die schönsten Popsongs für Alt–Blockflöte 13 Die schönsten Popsongs 13

Expert Tips & Insights for Recorder

Learning to play the Recorder – 20 Questions for Vera Petry

Learning to play the Recorder – 20 Questions for Vera Petry

“What fascinates me about the recorder is the warm, soft sound and the natural playing style: the direct contact of the fingers to the wood and the wonderful feeling, similar to singing, of bringing the instrument to life with your own breath.” Recorder player Vera Petry anwsers our musical questionnaire in the hopes of making the choice for a new instrument a bit easier.

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Sarah Jeffery – Team Recorder

Sarah Jeffery offers a comprehensive insight into playing and learning the recorder, along with many valuable tips on her YouTube channel Team_Recorder. Her first music book My favorite Melodies has just been released by Schott.

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