Playing the Organ

Playing the Organ & Learning

Discover many tips and recommendations here to learn how to play the organ, practice, and further develop your skills on the instrument. You'll find a selection of the most popular schools, expert tips, and of course recommendations from our extensive range of sheet music for organ and organ textbooks:

Organ Sheet Music – New Releases & Recommendations

The Most Popular Organ Schools & Textbooks

Among the most popular textbooks for organ currently are "Organ School with Hands and Feet" by Ulrike Wegele, "Ars Organi" by Flor Peteers, and "Organ Playing from the Beginning" by Carsten Klomp.

Classic organ schools include "Méthode d'Orgue" by Marcel Dupré and "Compendium of Organ Performance" by Peter Wagner, while "Fascination Organ Improvisation" by Franz Joseph Stoiber is considered a standard work for improvisation.

Organ School with Hands and Feet 1 Sheet Music Organ School with Hands and Feet 1
Ars Organi 1 Sheet Music Ars Organi 1
Organ Playing from the Beginning Sheet Music Organ Playing from the Beginning
Organ School by Marcel Dupré Organ School by Marcel Dupré
Compendium of Organ Performance 1 & 2 Compendium of Organ Performance 1 & 2 by Peter Wagner
Fascination Organ Improvisation Fascination Organ Improvisation

Expert Tips & Interesting Facts for Organ

Learning the organ for beginners, re-entrants and autodidacts

Learning the organ for beginners, re-entrants and autodidacts

The world-renowned organist Ulrike Theresia Wegele talks about her popular "Organ Method With Hands and Feet", which covers everything you need to work through all the organ literature in three volumes. Find out how versatile and exciting the textbooks for beginners, returners and autodidacts are structured, why it doesn't take unicorns, knights and fairies to inspire children to learn the organ and the very personal motivations that have led to her life's work.

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Portrait of the renowned organist and textbook author

Portrait of the renowned organist and textbook author

Ulrike Theresia Wegele is one of the leading organists of her generation. She teaches in Graz and Eisenstadt and lives in Vienna, where she published her popular "Organ School with Hand and Foot" with the Doblinger publishing house. Read here how her path to becoming an organist began on "Blood Friday," what a thrill her entrance exam was, and which scores are close to her heart.

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