Oboe Close-up

Playing & Learning the Oboe

Discover lots of tips & recommendations here to learn to play the oboe, practice, and develop your skills on the instrument. You will find a selection of the most popular methods, expert tips, and of course, recommendations from our large selection of Oboe Sheet Music and Oboe Method Books:

New & Recommended Oboe Sheet Music

The Most Popular Oboe Method Books, Exercise Books & Tutorials

Popular oboe schools for beginners are Oboe Techniques, The Technics of the Oboe and, especially for children, Method for Oboe.

You can acquire technical skills with The Technique of Oboe Playing or Technical Basics of Oboe Playing. If you want to improve your cor anglais skills, The Art of Cor Anglais is a good choice

Oboe Basics Oboe Basics by Paul Harris
The Technics of the Oboe 1 The Technics of the Oboe 1 by Louis Bleuzet
Method for Oboe 1 Method for Oboe 1 by Marc Schaeferdiek
R. Koch: The Technique of Oboe Playing The Technique of Oboe Playing by Rolf-Julius Koch
Technical Basics of Oboe Playing Technical Basics of Oboe Playing by Andreas Mendel
The Art of Cor Anglais The Art of Cor Anglais by Geoffrey Browne

Expert Tips & Useful Information for Oboe

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