Music and Nature

Musik and Nature – Seasons, Environment & Climate Change

How is nature and the interaction of humans with their environment expressed in music? Discover sheet music of compositions about nature and the environment for your instrument as well as for choirs, school groups, orchestras and ensembles!

Recommended Sheet Music for Nature And Environmental Music

The Sounds of Summer

The Sounds of Summer

Shimmering heat, balmy evenings, thunderstorms… Summer has many faces, tones moods, and sounds. In this Stretta Journal article about the sounds of summer, Holger Slowik presents his selection of summer music favourites.

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The Sounds of the Forest

The Sounds of the Forest

The forest has undergone an amazing transformation: from a place of a multitude of dangers, to a preservation area of untouched nature. It serves as a seismograph for the general state of the environment. But what role does the forest play in music? Do hunting horns and birdsong really emanate from the forest? Holger Slowik from the #StrettaJournal spoke to musicologist Georg Högl, an expert on the forest in music.

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The Sounds of Spring

The Sounds of Spring

As nature awakens from hibernation, floral scents fill the air. Fresh leaves give the world a green hue, and gardens and meadows start exploding with colour... Can all of this be captured in music? Stretta editro David Rauh went looking for anwsers, guided by his own personal Spring Music-Highlights.

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Climate Change And Music

A growing number of musicians (such as the Orchester des Wandels) and composers are taking action to draw attention to the threat of man-made climate change. The Italian composer Ludovico Einaudi made a particularly powerful statement by recording his "Elegy for the Arctic" right there, in the middle of the melting ice.

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Extra Elements (including Elegy for the Arctic)

Extra Elements (including "Elegy for the Arctic")

The Last Party by Johannes Berauer

"The Last Party" by Johannes Berauer

Last Door of Light by Peter Maxwell Davies

"Last Door of Light" by Peter Maxwell Davies

Music About the Earth & Creation

Sheet music of the most popular compositions that describe the beauty of the earth and creation: From Mahler to Rutter, here you will find a selection of works that do justice to this great task.

Das Lied von der Erde by Gustav Mahler "Das Lied von der Erde" by Gustav Mahler
Planet Earth by Johan de Mej Noten "Planet Earth" by Johan de Mej
Die Schöpfung by Joseph Haydn "The Creation" by Joseph Haydn
For the Beauty of the Earth von John Rutter "For the Beauty of the Earth" by John Rutter
Frozen Planet, The Blue Planet, Planet Earth by George Fenton "Frozen Planet, The Blue Planet, Planet Earth" by George Fenton
La création du monde by Darius Milhaud Noten "La création du monde" by Darius Milhaud

Pop Music About Earth & the Environment:

Earth Song by Michael Jackson "Earth Song" by Michael Jackson
What A Wonderful World by Bob Thiele "What A Wonderful World" by Bob Thiele
Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell

"Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell

Heaven Is A Place On Earth "Heaven Is A Place On Earth" with Belinda Carlisle
When You Gonna Learn "When You Gonna Learn" by Jamiroquai
Beds Are Burning "Beds Are Burning" by Midnight Oil

Music About Woods & Trees

How about a musical walk in the forest? You can find more related music on the page Music on the Forest.

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A Different Forest Noten "A Different Forest" by Hauschka
Waldszenen op. 82 von Schumann Noten "Waldszenen" op. 82 by Schumann
Im Walde op. 50 von David Popper Noten "Im Walde" op. 50 by David Popper

Music About Sunrise & Sunset

Der Sonne und Sonnenaufgängen sind besonders eindrucksvolle Musikstücke gewidmet. Die Morgenstimmung von Grieg und die Helios-Ouvertüre von Carl Nielsen zeigen gut, wie Musik zur Beschreibung von Natur eingesetzt werden kann.

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Helios Overture by Carl Nielsen Sheet Music Helios Overture by Carl Nielsen
Grieg Complete Songs Sheet Music Solnedgang (Sunset) by Grieg
Morning Mood by Edvard Grieg Sheet Music Morgenstemning (Morning Mood by Edvard Grieg (Arrangement for flute, clarinet & piano)

Pop Music About the Sun

The sun will rise with these pop songs! We have put together a selection of sheet music for the sunniest pop songs.

Here Comes the Sun Noten "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles
Walking On Sunshine sheet music "Walking On Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves
Cover Me In Sunshine sheet music "Cover Me In Sunshine" by Pink & her daughter Willow Sage Hart.
Rammstein Piano Songbook, including Sonne inlcuding "Sonne" by Rammstein
Good Day Sunshine sheet music "Good Day Sunshine" by The Beatles
Another Day of Sun sheet music "Another Day of Sun" off "La La Land"

Music about the weather

A selection of the most impressive classical works depicting wind and storms:

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An Alpine Symphony by Richard Strauss sheet music "An Alpine Symphony" by Richard Strauss
Der Sturm von Joseph Haydn sheet music "Der Sturm" (The Storm) by Joseph Haydn
L'Orage (Das Gewitter) von Tschaikowsky sheet music "L'Orage" (The Storm) op. 76 by Pjotr Tschaikowsky

Pop Music About The Wind:

In pop songs, wind is usually a metaphorical theme. Here is a selection of the most popular songs with wind.

She's Like The Wind sheet music "She's Like The Wind" off "Dirty Dancing"
Wind of Change sheet music "Wind of Change" by The Scorpions
Blowin' in the Wind sheet music "Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan
Candle in the Wind sheet music "Candle in the Wind" by Elton John
The Wind sheet music "The Wind" by Cat Stevens
Colors of the Wind sheet music "Colors of the Wind" off "Pocahontas"

Music About the Rain

How is rain portrayed in music? Listen to Chopin's Raindrop Prelude and compare it with other works that deal with rain. The beginning of 'Thunderstorm and Tempest' from the Alpine Symphony by Richard Strauss, linked above, is also particularly striking.

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“Raindrop” Prelude by Frédéric Chopin sheet music Prelude in D flat major "Raindrop" by Frédéric Chopin
Vierzehn Arten den Regen zu beschreiben op. 70 von Hanns Eisler Noten "Vierzehn Arten den Regen zu beschreiben" op. 70 (Fourteen Ways to describe the rain) by Hanns Eisler
The Welcome Arrival of Rain by Judith Weir sheet music "The Welcome Arrival Of Rain" by Judith Weir

Musik About Ice & Snow

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Sinfonia Antartica von Vaughan Williams sheet music "Sinfonia Antartica" by Vaughan Williams
Winterreise von Franz Schubert sheet music "Winterreise" by Franz Schubert
La Wally von Alfredo Catalani sheet music Musical portrayal of an avalanche in "La Wally" by Alfredo Catalani

Music About The Seasons

Compositions about the seasons are among the most popular works describing nature throughout the periods. You can find the most important scores here.

The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi sheet music "The Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi
Die Jahreszeiten von Haydn sheet music "The Seasons" by Joseph Haydn
Die Jahreszeiten von Tchaikovsky sheet music "The Seasons" by Pjotr Tchaikovsky
Primavera Porteña by Piazzolla sheet music "Primavera Porteña" off "Las Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas" by Astor Piazzolla
Die vier Jahreszeiten von Schroeder sheet music Die vier Jahreszeiten von Hermann Schroeder
4 Jahreszeiten-Musicals sheet music 4 Jahreszeiten-Musicals by Wolfgang Hering
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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