Music for Travel

Music for Travel - From Hiking Songs to Shanties

Bring the holiday feeling home and embark on a musical journey! Whether to the mountains, the beach, or the open sea: pack sheet music in your backpack or beach bag and sing and play together with your choirs, school classes, orchestras, and ensembles!

Sheet Music Recommendations for Travel Music

Wanderlust & Voyage – Genre Mix Playlist

Hiking Songs

I'm packing my backpack and taking with me... a songbook! Particularly in the Alpine region, there is a strong tradition of hiking songs, mostly derived from folk songs like soldiers' and farewell songs. The song "Muss I denn zum Städtele hinaus...", famously interpreted by Elvis Presley as "Wooden Heart" in both English and German, made this genre known worldwide! Here you will find the best songbooks for hiking.

Elvis 30 No. 1 Hits Songbook

Elvis 30 No. 1 Hits

including "Wooden Heart"

Folk Songs Songbook

Folk Songs

for voice, guitar [piano]

Irish Songbook 1

Irish Songbook 1

for voice and guitar [piano]

The Little Black Songbook

The Little Black Songbook – Acoustic Hit Songs

Early Spring-Hike sheet music

Early Spring-Hike for 2 oboes, cor anglais, 2 bassoons

Sailor Songs & Shanties

Sailor songs and shanties have recently enjoyed a revival due to the success of Wellerman. This genre is particularly popular in Northern Europe, and with bands like Santiano, who are dedicated to the love of seafaring, it remains ever popular. Browse through our selected songbooks - you'll find even more sheet music for sailor songs and shanties in our shop!

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Show YouTube content
Haul Away Haul Away!
Sea Shanties Sheet Music Sea Shanties
Shanty Play-Alongs Shanty Play-Alongs (e.g. for violin)
Blow The Man Down – 18 Shanties Blow The Man Down – 18 Shanties
The Song of the Sea The Song of the Sea
Hiev rund! - The Sailor Songbook Hiev rund! - The Sailor Songbook
Wellerman for Youth Wind Orchestra Wellerman for Youth Wind Orchestra
All For Me Grog All For Me Grog

Musical Travel Guides

Discover the musical history and special features of these European cities and countries:
Salzburg Music Guide Salzburg Music Guide
Vienna Music Guide Vienna Music Guide
Early Spring-Hike sheet music

Traveling Eastern Europe for Accordion, melody instrument

Early Spring-Hike sheet music

The Guitarist's Travelling Guide

Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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